History & Philosophy

The Story

Sedaa Consulting was founded in 2000. Elham Assadi, CEO and founder of Sedaa Corporation, says that she was lucky to graduate from her Master’s program at Sonoma State University (SSU) when she did in 1996 as the economy was booming with opportunities at that time. During her internship, Elham started working for paid projects in the field of OD for well known companies such as Pac Bell Communications (back then a subsidiary of Pac Bell Telephone Company), Beringer Winery, CA Culinary Academy and others. When she graduated, she took on director level internal positions for OD related roles.

During the first phase of her career, Elham realized that she needed to develop a real life language of OD as opposed to the theoretical language she was so familiar with. She needed to find the best path to break down client's issues to small tangible pieces rather than try to help solve everything that she believed needed support

Elham recognized after a short period of time as an internal OD expert, she often would start seeing the issues the way others in the organization did. This eliminated her value add abilities at the level she expected of herself.  As she was putting together tools and methodologies to help her with her career, she started thinking about Sedaa Consulting. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an OD consulting firm where Consultants could pick up the phone and simply vent ideas with others, or ask for templates to leverage from. After contemplating these thoughts the idea of Sedaa Consulting was developed.

Elham has written a number of articles including "From the Flintsons to the Jetsons, Where is OD?" in OD seasoning of ODN pulication and "Soup of the Day" at BAODN publications

Sedaa is about working with consultants for best client satisfaction. It is about making consultants’ lives easier so they can do what they do best. That is done in two ways:

  1. We eliminate leg work for consultants by doing their business development, marketing, and most important of all client relationship building
  2. Through our consultant on-boarding program we work closely with each consultants to provide them the necessarily tools and guidance that can make their work life easier.


Sedaa Consulting works with

  • Direct as well as Indirect clients.
  • Direct clients work directly through Sedaa references with Sedaa consultants Indirect clients are those referred to us by our Strategic Alliance Partners (SAPs)

For specific expertise. Refer to "Services" tab for more details.